Teaching & Training

I deliver bespoke teaching and training workshops in my areas of expertise (CBT, mental health and wellbeing, physical health, sexual wellbeing, supervision, Clinical Psychology) to a variety of audiences (e.g. students, qualified therapists, other healthcare professions, charities, companies, general public, media requests). I travel nationally and internationally.

Cost will depend on what is required (e.g. content, delivery format, length and number of sessions, location etc.) – Please contact me to discuss further.


Recent Conference & Workshop Presentations

Action Supervision. www.chairwork.co.uk (2020).

Managing HIV in people with cognitive deficits: BHIVA, Manchester (2016); Middle East HIV Nurses Workshop, Dubai (2017); NHIVNA online (2020).

Ageing & HIV: NHIVNA, London & AIDS Impact, Amsterdam (2015).

Late Presenters & HIV: BHIVA, London (2014). 

Motivational Interviewing: NHIVNA, Manchester & London (2012); Primary Care, Birmingham (2013, 2018).

HIV & Mental Health: CLCH HIV Forum, London (2011-present). BHIVA, Brighton (2015); Middle East HIV Nurses Workshop, Dubai (2017). 

HIV Health Anxiety: BABCP Annual Conference, London (2013). 

Talking About Sex: BPS Faculty HIV & Sexual Health, London (2013/2016); Middle East HIV Nurses Workshop, Dubai (2017). 

Clinical Psychology Careers: British Psychological Society, London (2010-present). 

Club Drugs: BPS DCP Conference, Manchester (2010); Scottish Needle Exchange, Glasgow (2012); Student Health Association, York/Loughborough (2011/2012); BPS Addictions Faculty, London (2012).

Risk taking behaviour: NHIVNA, Leeds (2015).

Stigma & Shame: BPS PreQual Group, Birmingham (2014) 

LTCS & IAPT: What, Why, When, Who, Where & How?: West London IAPT, London (2020).

The International annual health review standard for People Living With HIV: a commissioning for value programme. AIDS Impact, Cape Town (2017). 

Recent Publications & Conference Proceedings

Barber et al. (2014). Screening for HIV-related neurocognitive impairment in clinical practice: challenges and opportunities. AIDS Care. 

Barber et al. (2013). Baseline data from the MSN Neurocog study. AIDS IMPACT, Barcelona.  

Bowden-Jones et al. (2017). Prevalence of HIV-risk related drug use and sexual behaviour among MSM attending a specialist UK club drug clinic. Drugs and Alcohol Today, 17, 50-59.  

BHIVA (2013/2018). Standards of care for people living with HIV 2013/2018. London, Mediscript.  

BPS (2011). Standards for psychological support for adults living with HIV. London, Medfash.  

Campbell & Margetts (2020). Neurocognitive issues for adults in HIV care. In Psychological Perspectives in HIV Care (Croston & Rutter Eds).

Hardacre & Margetts (2020). Psychological PPE: Survival kit for creating a safer culture in the covid-19 context. BMJ Leader Blog

Nightingale et al. (2014). HIV-related neurocognitive impairment screening: the patient’s perspective on its utility and psychological impact. AIDS Care.  

NHIVNA (2015). Audit of the standards for psychological support for people living with HIV. London, Mediscript.  

NHIVNA (2017). Annual health review for people living with HIV: a good practice guide London, Mediscript. 

Pugh & Margetts (2020). Are you sitting (un)comfortably? Action-based supervision and supervisory drift. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 13, E17

Tam et al. (2012). Use of a novel online cortical test in HIV infected subjects undergoing screening for neurocognitive impairment. HIV Medicine. 

Thorley et al. (2010). Crystal Mess: The Damage Crystal Methamphetamine is doing to men who have sex with men. BHIVA, Manchester. 

Ward et al. (2011). Establishing an HIV neurocognitive screening service in clinical practice. AIDS IMPACT, Santa Fe. 

Watson & Margetts (2020). The psychological impact of ageing with HIV. In Psychological Perspectives in HIV Care (Croston & Rutter Eds).